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One Week FDP on Ethical and Responsible AI: Challenges and Opportunities

This FDP will address the ethical implications of AI and the importance of developing responsible AI technologies. It will discuss bias in AI algorithms, data privacy concerns, and the role of engineers and entrepreneurs in ensuring ethical AI practices.

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Faculty Development Programme

The upcoming one-week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) titled "Ethical and Responsible AI: Challenges and Opportunities" is a thoughtfully curated event designed to address the ethical challenges and opportunities within the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Scheduled for the first week of October 2024, this workshop aims to raise awareness about the pressing ethical issues in AI and ML, while exploring strategies for developing technologies that are responsible and fair. The FDP is tailored to encourage participants to adopt ethical decision-making practices in the development and deployment of AI and ML systems, ensuring that technological advancements are aligned with societal values and standards.

This programme aligns seamlessly with AMIEE's mission and vision of advancing AI, ML, innovation, entrepreneurship, and engineering, while also promoting ethical practices and societal progress. By focusing on these critical aspects, the workshop will provide attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex landscape of AI ethics, ultimately contributing to the development of technologies that are both innovative and ethically sound.

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Schedule of the Event

Faculty Development Programme
  • Sessions Day 1
  • Sessions Day 2
  • Sessions Day 3
  • Sessions Day 4
  • Sessions Day 5

Topic: Understanding Ethical AI: Principles and Frameworks

  • Description: This session will introduce the fundamental principles of ethical AI, including fairness, accountability, transparency, and privacy. It will also cover various frameworks and guidelines developed by organizations and governments for implementing ethical AI practices.

  • Objectives: To provide a foundational understanding of ethical AI principles and to explore existing frameworks that guide responsible AI development.

Topic: Bias and Fairness in AI: Identifying and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias

  • Description: This session will focus on the challenges of bias in AI systems, discussing how biases are introduced, their impact on AI decision-making, and methods for detecting and mitigating bias in AI algorithms.

  • Objectives: To educate participants on the sources and effects of algorithmic bias and to share techniques for creating fairer AI systems.

Topic: Privacy and Data Protection in AI Systems

  • Description: This session will explore the ethical considerations surrounding data privacy and security in AI. It will cover topics such as data anonymization, consent, and the ethical handling of sensitive information.

  • Objectives: To highlight the importance of privacy in AI systems and to discuss best practices for safeguarding user data.

Topic: Transparency and Explainability in AI Models

  • Description: This session will address the importance of transparency and explainability in AI models, emphasizing why it is crucial for building trust and accountability in AI systems. Techniques for improving model interpretability will also be discussed.

  • Objectives: To emphasize the need for transparent AI models and to provide practical methods for making AI systems more interpretable.

Topic: The Role of Governance and Regulation in Ensuring Ethical AI

  • Description: This session will discuss the role of government policies, regulations, and industry standards in promoting ethical AI. It will examine current regulatory landscapes and the need for comprehensive governance frameworks.

  • Objectives: To explore how regulation and governance can enforce ethical AI practices and to understand the evolving legal landscape for AI technologies.

Topic: AI Ethics in Practice: Case Studies and Real-World Applications

  • Description: This session will present case studies of ethical and unethical AI applications across various industries, analyzing what went wrong, what was done right, and what lessons can be learned from these real-world examples.

  • Objectives: To provide practical insights through real-world examples and to discuss how ethical considerations have been applied or overlooked in different AI implementations.

Topic: Ethical Challenges in Autonomous Systems and Robotics

  • Description: This session will delve into the ethical dilemmas associated with autonomous systems and robotics, including the moral implications of decision-making in autonomous vehicles, drones, and other robotics applications.

  • Objectives: To discuss the unique ethical challenges posed by autonomous systems and to consider potential solutions and safeguards.

Topic: AI for Good: Leveraging AI for Social Impact and Ethical Innovation

  • Description: This session will explore how AI can be used responsibly to drive positive social impact, including applications in healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability. It will also discuss how organizations can innovate ethically.

  • Objectives: To showcase how AI can be a force for good when developed and deployed ethically, inspiring participants to consider socially beneficial AI projects.

Topic: The Future of Work: AI, Ethics, and Human-AI Collaboration

  • Description: This session will examine the ethical considerations of AI in the workplace, focusing on human-AI collaboration, the impact on employment, and ensuring fair treatment of workers in an AI-driven economy.

  • Objectives: To explore the ethical implications of AI on the workforce and to discuss strategies for fostering positive human-AI collaboration.

Topic: Building Ethical AI: Tools, Best Practices, and Resources

  • Description: This final session will provide a comprehensive overview of the tools, techniques, and best practices for building ethical AI systems. It will also introduce participants to resources and communities dedicated to AI ethics.

  • Objectives: To equip participants with practical tools and resources for developing ethical AI and to encourage ongoing engagement with the AI ethics community.

These session topics are designed to provide a holistic view of ethical and responsible AI, addressing key challenges, exploring opportunities, and equipping participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complex ethical landscape of AI technologies.